Monday, March 27, 2017

The Power Of Digitizing

Did you ever think what life could be like when computers are smarter than all of mankind? Technological Singularity is the belief the computer artificial intelligence will become more and more advanced and that computers themselves will begin to create better and better forms of artificial intelligence. The results in this type of intelligence explosion could have major effects on someone's everyday life. If computers are able to grow and build on to the information they all already have the forms of AI they can create can have major consequences on human civilization, but will it be for the good or bad?

One man believes in what the future has at stake for mankind and that it will all be for the better. Ray Kurzweil is an author, computer scientist, inventor and a futurist. Futurists are scientists that have a specialty in futurology and try to predicts outcomes for the future. Ray Kurzweil is one of the leaders in this field of study in which he was able to many things in store for the future with very good accuracy.
Is it possible to digitize the human consciousness? This is a question in which is arguable among many. Some scientists believe that by the year 2045, we will be able to store our consciousness to a cloud. Storing your consciousness to a cloud means that you'll be able to create a digital version of your human consciousness, stored in a synthetic brain and an artificial host. One can see why there could be so much debate between if it is possible or not. Technology has advanced so much just in the past 30 years, that there is a possibility that something such as storing your consciousness to a cloud could eventually become possible.

Being able to digitize human consciousness is a technological breakthrough, it will allow people to “live” forever inside the cloud. The problem is what about all the physical aspects and interactions that make humans. Think about what makes you, you. Now I am sure you are made up of more than your thoughts; life experiences, physical interactions, and earthly tragedies are also part of what makes you. Digitizing consciousness ruins other ways humans experience life and can ultimately take who you really are away from you.

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