Sunday, February 5, 2017

Bot/Self Generating Poems

A bot is software that is designed to automate the kinds of tasks you would usually do on your own, like making a dinner reservation, adding an appointment to your calendar or fetching and displaying information. The increasingly common form of bots, chatbots, simulate conversation. A little know fact is that chatbots where perfected by the porn industry to lure in customers.  A lot of people interact with bots daily, sometimes when they don't even realize it. Siri is a well known bot. Siri is able to write things in your calendar and look up any information you tell Siri too. As bot technology improves, the thinking is that bots will be able to automate all kinds of things; perhaps even something as complex as your taxes. Other bots that have been found to be popular are “Twitter Bots”. Twitter bots have many purposes, same would be considered as spam, others have a more comedic approach, and a lot present real time facts. Twitter bots are programs set to run in a certain time frame you want them to. Twitter Bots can collect information, respond to users, and even post images.

Along with twitter bots, there is other forms of AI, like self generating poems, that can make some meaning for literature. When it comes to online works of literature and AI, people tend to be a bit hesitant on the actual meaning of things. Some believe that something which is self-generated is unable to produce anything with meaning behind it. This leads us to the question, what does it mean for something to have meaning? This open us up to a wide variety of possible definitions when, in reality, the word “meaning” means something different to everyone. The actual definition of the word “meaning” is, the intent to communicate something that is not directly expressed. There are many computer-generated works of literature which have meaning behind them; for example, in Taroko Gorge there is a line that reads, “The forest lines the basins”. This is a form of poetry, and proves that coded messages can have meaning to them instead of just being a bunch of random words thrown together.

Corrupted Pictures
Chris Carder:
Heinz Field.jpeg

Justin Zerbee:

Kendall Mahony

Tyler Nigro:


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