Saturday, April 22, 2017

Thoughts on Exhibits

As the last way to really grasp the field of digital humanities Devin Orr and Sean McLaughlin have proposed interesting topics and research to explore.  Devin is exploring the rise of witches, vampires, and zombies in literature. Sean has found research on how social media is affecting people.

This is some of the data Devin was able to come up with on how these words have been used in literature. This is a good representation because when the lines are on their on scale they increase greatly at 2000 but when they are all on the same graph Its easy to see witches are the most talked about. 

Sean was able to take a different route in exploring the field of digital humanities. He studied how social media effects teenager and adults. This was interesting because it focused on both groups not just one. What he found is that social media has an impact on both groups. It is usually painted as only effecting teens but it effects adults just as much if not more. Adults use social media at work just like teens use social media at school.

Both of these topics embrace the field of digital humanities and how it works. Sean is looking how it effects people and Devin is looking through the words used in literature to see how society has changed and how the words have change. Both topics have a lot of use in the field of digital humanities because DHers are interested on how people interact with technology such as the posts on social media. DHers are also interested in how media interacts with the people and how the choose the words the use and  what to write about. Both topics are very different but they only begin to scratch the surface of the very broad field of digital humanities.

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